
Introduction to Choropleth Maps

Created by Katherine St. John
Launch Project
Maps NYC

How I Started

The goal was to introduce to choropleth maps, so that we could use the tool with more complex data sets. The audience was students in an urban-planning themed honors seminar ("Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of New York City").

How I Built This

It was built using Python, the fabulous pandas library, and lovely map-making library, folium (that uses leaflet.js). It took students about 30 minutes to create the map.

Katherine St. John

I am a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Hunter College of the City University of New York (CUNY), hold appointments to the doctoral faculty of anthropology and of computer science at the Graduate Center of CUNY, as well as being a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History (invertebrate zoology and NYCEP). I regularly incorporate NYC OpenData into projects for the courses I teach-- the students love the use of real, and very local, data.